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Sunday, 6 November 2011

What is the difference between Software and Hardware?

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Software: Software is the collection of a programs that when executed gives a proper output.
   Software is a set of logically related programs which is used to carry out a task.
Example:- MS-Paint, Notepad, MS-Word. 

Hardware: Hardware are electrical, Mechanical and Magnetical parts of computer which we can see or touch. 
Example:- Monitor, keyboard, Mouse.  

Describe the memory units for memory measurement?

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Memory Unit:- The smallest element of data is called binary digit. Its also called BITS.
The BIT can have a value of 0 (OFF) and 1 (ON).
Memory Unit
1 Byte  8 Bits
1 Kilo Byte  1024 Bytes
1 Mega Byte  1024  KB
1 Gega Byte  1024 MB
1 Tera Byte  1024 GB
1 Peta Byte  1024 TB